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珞珈环境法讲坛第六十讲预告(Professor Wolfgang Köck)
2017-10-23 3579 次

Title: The Aarhus Convention and its implementation in Germany

Presenter: Prof. Wolfgang Köck, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ (Germany).

Moderator: Prof. Qin Tianbao, Director, RIEL, Wuhan University

Discussants: Prof. Kurt Fassbender, University of Leipzig(Germany)

Dr. Shen Baixin, Research Fellow, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ (Germany)

Prof. Li Guangbing, Assistant Director, RIEL, Wuhan University

Time: 19:30; 23 October, 2017 (Monday)

Venue: Room 325, Law School Building

Participants: All staff and students of the RIEL, and staff and students from other departments/university are welcome


Wolfgang Köck is head of the Department of Environmental and Planning Law, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental

Research – UFZ (Germany).

He is professor of environmental law at the Faculty of Law, University of Leipzig. He is also director of the Institute for Environmental and Planning Law, Faculty of Law, University of Leipzig. He is editor in Charge of “Zeitschrift für Umweltrecht” [Journal for Environmental Law] (ZUR). He is on the Managing Board of “Journal for European Environmental and Planning Law” (JEEPL). He is also establisher of Leipzig Environmental Law Symposium. He is also Co-Chair of the European Environmental Law Forum. (eelf.info)

His current projects include:

Needs-and Demand-based Planning − Legal Options for and Procedural Aspects of an Instrument for Enhanced Environmental Protection

Bioeconomy Cluster

Helmholtz-Alliance ENERGY-TRANS: "Future Infrastructures for Meeting Energy Demands. Towards Sustainability and Social Compatibility"

European Nature Conservation Legislation and its Implementation in Germany

Integrated Urban Catchment Governance – Organizational, Legal and Fiscal Foundations for Sustainable Management of Waste and Rainwater in the Wuxi Region/China

Arzneimittelabgabe: Beteiligung von Arzneimittelherstellern an den Kosten von Maßnahmen zur Reduktion der Konzentration von Mikroschadstoffen in Gewässern