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2018-03-19 3637 次

First Announcement and Call for Papers

5th Sino-EU Conference on Environmental Law

“Green law, economic instruments and environmental crime”

August 29- 30, 2018, Ghent, Belgium

Organized by

Department of European, Public and International Law–Center for Environmental and Energy Law

Faculty of Law and Criminology, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium


Research Institute of Environmental Law (RIEL), Wuhan University, China,

Supported by

U4 University Network

The Sino-EU International Conference on “Green law, economic instruments and environmental crime” will focus on the developments of environmental law in China and the EU linked to greening the law with economic instruments at the one side, and the fight against environmental crime at the other side.

Sessions on comparing EU and Chinese environmental law will focus on:

1.The use of trade tools and economic instruments (e.g. taxes, tradable emission rights, subsidies…) in environmental legislation to achieve environmental objectives.

2.Environmental law and national resources efficiency.

3.Environmental crimes and the law, such as illegal emission of substances into air, water or soil; illegal trade in wildlife; illegal trade in ozone-depleting substances and the illegal shipment or dumping of waste.

Participants from outside the EU and China are welcome, as well as PhD and postdoc researchers.

Coordinating Committee

Prof. Ben Boer, Chair Professor of Research Institute of Environmental Law, Wuhan University

Prof. Dr. Frank Maes, Faculty of Law and Criminology, Ghent University

Prof. Dr. Luc Lavrysen, Faculty of Law and Criminology, Ghent University

Prof. Dr. Qin Tianbao, Director of Research Institute of Environmental Law, Wuhan University

Prof. Dr. Jan Darpö, Uppsala University, Sweden

Prof. Dr. Peter-Tobias Stoll, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany

Dr. Lorenzo Squintani, University of Groningen, The Netherlands

Working Language

The working language is English.

Timetable for submission of abstracts and papers

Submission of abstracts: till 15 April 2018; selection of abstracts: 21 May 2018.

Submission of final papers (word) and PPTs: 15 August, 2018 at the latest.

Please mail abstracts, papers and PPTs’ to Yvan.DeMaeseneire@ugent.be

The organizers will select qualified papers from the conference for publication in the Chinese Journal of Environmental Law or Climate Law, which are the two international journals based in the Research Institute of Environmental Law at Wuhan University and published by Brill.

Registration Fee

The registrationfee for the Conference is € 95 before 1st July, including conference material, conference dinner, lunches and coffee/tea breaks. After 1st July the registration fee will be € 145.

Conference venue

The conference venue is the Faculty of Law and Criminology of Ghent University, Voldersstraat 3,9000 Gent, Belgium, also accessible via Universiteitstraat 4-6.

The faculty islocated in the center of the city, see https://www.ugent.be/re/en/ contact see for public transport https://www.ugent.be/re/en/contact/directions-faculty.htm.


Mr Yvan De Maeseneire

Center for Environmental and Energy Law

Voldersstraat 3, 9000 Gent

Telephone: 00-32-9 2646909

Email: Yvan.DeMaeseneire@ugent.be


Participants have special rates for the hotels below (reduction codes will be provided):

Hotel Ibis Gent Centrum Kathedraal


Hotel Ibis Gent Opera


Hotel Gravensteen


Hotel de Flandre


Ghent River Hotel


Hotel NH Gent Belfort
