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2017-02-07 887 次

《欧盟环境法》课程信息 我所邀请英国曼彻斯特大学Nuno Ferreira博士于10月28-11月4日间为我所2007级硕士和博士研究生集中讲授一周的《欧盟环境法》课程。请上述同学务必参加,并由班长和学习委员负责签到;同时也欢迎其他年级以及其他专业的研究生旁听! 附:《欧盟环境法》课程表 Oct. 28 Sunday: Lecture I - Introduction of EU Law; 14:00-17:20 Oct. 29 Monday:Lecture II - EU Constitution and Environmental Protection 08:30-11:50 Oct. 31 Wednesday:Lecture III - Introduction of EU Environmental Law; 14:00-17:20 Nov. 1 Thursday: Lecture IV - EU Single Market and Environmental Protection; 14:00-17:20 Nov. 2 Friday:Lecture V - EU Competition Law and Environmental Protection; 14:00-17:20 Nov. 4 Sunday: Group Discussion – The Implications of EU on China; 0830-1130 环境法研究所