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2018-06-13 2671 次

One-Day Writers’ Workshop for Early-

Career Environmental Law Scholars

Friday 14 September 2018, Wuhan, China

The Research Institute of Environmental Law (RIEL) at Wuhan University’s School of Law will hold a one-day Writers’ Workshop at Wuhan University on Friday 14 September 2018. RIEL is the premier environmental law research institute in China and is the base of the Chinese Journal of Environmental Law and Climate Law (both published by Brill/Nijhoff).

As previously announced, the objective of the Workshop is to assist each of about a dozen early-career environmental law scholars to publish a research article on environmental law in English in an international top-tier journal. Half the participants will be from China and the other half from the rest of the world. The working language of the workshop is English.


The Writers’ Workshop is overseen by a committee consisting of Professors Qin Tianbao, Ben Boer, Ke Jian, Liu Jing, and Alexander Zahar, of RIEL, and Professor Benoit Mayer, of The Chinese University of Hong Kong.


1. Complete draft articles in English are to be submitted to the committee through Professor Zahar by Saturday 30 June 2018. The final selection of the participants will be made on the basis of these drafts. The results will be announced in early August 2018.

2. Highly advanced and polished versions of the selected articles are to be submitted to the committee by 31 August 2018. These articles will be shared among the invited scholars. All conference participants will be required to carefully read and formulate constructive comments on all the draft articles as a condition of their participation in the workshop.


The Writers’ Workshop has been timed to take place one day before RIEL’s annual PhD Forum (15-16 September 2018). This is an event attended by PhD students from all over China. The venue for both events is the School of Law at Wuhan University.


RIEL will cover accommodation and meal expenses for the selected workshop participants, including for the days of the PhD Forum for those wishing to stay on. Unfortunately RIEL is not able to cover participants’ transportation costs.


Professor Alexander Zahar

Research Institute of Environmental Law

Email: zahar.edu@gmail.com

Tel. +86 15927 659259