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珞珈环境法讲坛第七十九讲预告(Gitanjali Nain Gill)
2018-11-27 1550 次

Luo jia Lecture Series on

Environmental Law No. 79

Courting Environmental Justice:

The Adjudicatory Process of the National Green Tribunal in India

Gitanjali Nain Gill

Title: Courting Environmental Justice: The Adjudicatory Process of the National Green Tribunal in India

Speaker: Professor Gitanjali Nain Gill, Senior Lecturer, School of Law, Northumbria University Law School

Moderator: Wu Yu, Assistant Professor, RIEL, Wuhan University

Discussant: Liu Jing, Associate Professor, RIEL, Wuhan University

Time: 14:00-16:30; 26 November, 2018 (Monday)

Venue: Room 325, Law School Building

Participants: All staff and students of the RIEL

Professor Gitanjali Nain Gill has been an academic since 1993 formerly employed at India’s leading university, Faculty of Law, Delhi University, where she experienced a distinguished academic career finishing her tenure as a Reader in 2011. Prior to joining Northumbria University, Professor Gill was a Visiting Fellow at BRASS [Business Relationships, Accountability, Sustainability and Society] Cardiff University, working on environmental and sustainability issues. She taught at the School of Law, Queen Mary University, London [Environmental law]; Cardiff Law School, Cardiff University [Public Law]; City and Regional Planning [Sustainability, Planning & Environmental Policy], Cardiff University [Environmental law] Earth Sciences [B.Sc, M.Sc], Cardiff University [Environmental law]. In August 2011 Professor Gill joined the School of Law, Northumbria University as a Senior Lecturer.

Professor Gill received a British Academy / Leverhulme Small Research Grant in 2014-15 to examine the casework and environmental jurisprudence of the National Green Tribunal of India [NGT]. The project focused on the National Green Tribunal as one element of a reformist approach to environmental government and explored its working and effectiveness. In January 2017, her research findings and conclusions were published in her book Environmental Justice in India: The National Green Tribunal (Routledge, Earthscan). The book is being translated into Chinese by Routledge China, Wuhan University and Social Science Press China (in press 2018).Her research agenda continues to focus on India and will include comparative work within China.

She is widely published on Indian environmental law and has articles in the Environmental Law Journal, Environmental Law Review, Transnational Environmental Law, Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, Public Law and chapters in several books. She acted as an expert contributor and reviewer on India, Malaysia, Pakistan and Bangladesh for the 2016 United Nations Environment Programme book titled’ Environmental Courts and Tribunals: A Guide for Policy-Makers’. In the summer of 2018, Professor Gill will be a Visiting Professor at the Vermont Law School (the USA premier environmental law centre).

Professor Gill was the sole Indian awarded the 2006 Fellowship on International and Comparative Environmental Law, Budapest, Hungary by the United Nations Institute for Training and Research [UNITAR]. It led to her appointment as an Associate Fellow with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research [UNITAR]. In addition, she was awarded the 2003 Fellowship on Law Teaching and Research in Cardiff Law School, Cardiff University, UK, sponsored by Cardiff Law School, Welsh Development Agency and British Council, New Delhi.

Professor Gill is a member of leading international and national professional societies: Member, IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law; Socio-Legal Studies Association; United Kingdom Environmental Law Association; Global Network for the Study of Human Rights and the Environment.