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Prof. Ben Boer is invited to attend the World Environment Conference in 2017

The 2017 World Environment Conference was held in New Delhi, India, from 25 to 26 March. Ben Boer was invited by the Chief Justice of the Green Court of India to attend the meeting. The President of India, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of India, and the Attorney General of India, respectively give a speech at the opening of the General Assembly. Most of the participants in the conference are legislators, scientists, lawyers, academics and directors of the Indian environmental protection field. The senior people from the Asian Development Bank, the United Nations Environment Program, and Environmental Law Commission of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Nature Resources were also invited to attend the meeting. Many environmental law students from India participated in and organized the meeting.

The themes of this conference are diverse, including legal and policy issues related to climate change and the Paris Agreement, air pollution, water pollution and so on.

Prof. Ben Boer's speech is "Principles of Climate Change, Human Rights and Environmental Law". Its main content is human rights and climate change. Prof. Ben Boer elaborated on the principle of "protection of nature under uncertainty." Prof. Boer explored how the principle would affect climate change decisions, and pointed out that policymakers should rethink decision-making processes that affect environmental development activities.

Prof. Ben Boer concludes that all of the above principles should be the cornerstone of capacity building and make it part of the "new wave" of environmental law theory and practice. He also pointed out that the newly established environment global justice would be an important way to implement these principles through the courts.