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全球环境基金—中国伙伴关系 干旱生态系统土地退化项目
2017-02-09 281 次

全球环境基金—中国伙伴关系 干旱生态系统土地退化项目一 GEF/PRC PARTNERSHIP ON LAND DEGRADATION IN DRYLAND ECOSYSTEMS . PROJECT 1. 子项目1:完善政策、法律和规范体系 Component 1 - POLICY,LEGAL AND REGULATORY FRAMEWORK IMPROVED Qun Du Bruce Carrad 亚洲开发银行Asian Development Bank Presented to China Environmental Law Conference, Chongqing, 2004 GEF/PRC干旱生态系统土地退化- 项目1 GEF/PRC partnership on land degradation in dryland ecosystems-Project 1 背景 Background GEF土地退化项目 GEF LD Program/OP12 GEF/PRC Land Degradation Program GEF/PRC Land Degradation Project 1 目标:在综合生态系统管理原则的指导下,建立有效的中国干旱生态系统管理体系 Goal - Effective management of PRC dryland ecosystems on integrated ecosystem management principles (IEM). GEF/PRC干旱生态系统土地退化- 项目1的组分 Components of Project 1 under GEF/PRC partnership on land degradation in dryland ecosystems 项目1的6个组分 Six Components of Project 1 Improving the policies, laws, and regulations for land degradation control; Strengthening national and provincial institutional coordination; Improving operational arrangements at provincial and county level; Building capacity for land degradation investment projects; Monitoring and evaluation system for land degradation; Project implementation arrangements for CPF GEF/PRC干旱生态系统土地退化项目1-子项目1 Component 1 of Project 1 under GEF/ partnership on land degradation in dryland ecosystems 组分1的目的:实现中国干旱土地综合生态系统管理,加强和完善政策、法律和规范体系的能力 Purpose - To strengthen and improve the policy, legal and institutional capacity for IEM within PRC drylands. 组分1的预期成果:法律、政策和规范体系得到提高 Component 1 - Legal, Policy and Regulatory Framework Improved. 组分1提出的国际背景:发展防治土地退化的法律体系 Background of Component 1: Global perspectives of legal approaches to manage land degradation 1980-1990年代环境法发展的主要领域在于管理自然环境,但是防治土地退化的法律改革没有受到关注 The 1980’s-1990’s witnessed major growth of environmental laws to manage the natural environment but land degradation law reform did not feature in this group. 在多数国家的法律和规则体系中,土地法律保护不是以综合的方式开展 Legal and institutional frameworks in most countries treat land conservation in a fragmented way. 土地退化的法律保护是近年来国际和国内环境法发展的领域,是解决土地资源问题的合理途径 The current state of the world’s land resources and the solutions needed to manage land degradation is a reasonable argument for the development of international and national legal frameworks which focus on the conservation of the environment. 关于土地退化的国际活动 Key global agenda for land degradation 1992年联合国环境与发展委员会: 《21世纪议程》,《环境与发展里约宣言》 1992 UNCED (Agenda 21; RIO Declaration on Environment and Development). 1994年《联合国防治荒漠化公约》 UN Convention to Combat Desertification 1995年《联合生物多样性公约》 Biological Diversity Convention 1995. 1995年《联合国气候变化框架公约》 UN Framework Convention on Climate Change 1995. 2000年国际自然保护同盟《土壤决议》 IUCN 2000 “Soil Resolution”. 2001年联合国规划署环境法改革项目 UNEP Montevideo Program for Environmental Law Reform 2001. 2002年可持续发展的世界高峰会议 World Summit on Sustainable Development 2002. 当前全球性的防止土地退化立法活动 Current major global initiatives on land degradation law 联合国环境规划署Montevideo 项目3: 发展和21世纪第一年代环境法回顾 The UNEP Montevideo Program III - Development and Periodic Review of Environmental Law for first Decade of the 21st century. 提高土地、水、植被和生物多样性等的管理效率 Improve effectiveness of laws to control and manage land, water, vegetation, biodiversity etc. 更新联合国环境规划署的《环境法手册》 Update of UNEP Handbook on Environmental Law. 国际自然保护同盟环境法项目 The IUCN Environmental Law Program. 2000年阿曼“土壤决议” Amman “Soil Resolution 2000”. 出版“可持续土壤保护的法律和规范体系” Publication - “Legal and Institutional Frameworks for Sustainable Soil”. 起草防止土地退化法律的指南 Guide to Drafting Land Degradation Legislation. 缔结国际土壤保护公约的调研 Investigation into international convention for Soil. 国际土壤科学学会的伙伴关系 Partnership with International Soil Science Society. 联合国防治荒漠化公约秘书处 UN CCD Secretariat. 实施《联合国防治荒漠化公约》评估委员会的第一份报告 First report of the “Committee for the Review of the Implementation of the Convention to Combat Desertification”. 与国际自然保护同盟环境法委员会的合作 In collaboration with IUCN ELP. 定义 Definitions 土地,是指包括土壤、植被和其他生态区、生态和水文过程的陆地生态生产系统。 LAND - means “the terrestrial bio-productive system that comprises soil, vegetation, other biota, and the ecological and hydrological processes that operate within the system”. 土地退化,是指自然土地资源质量的退化,通常是由人类不合理的土地利用所导致。它包括土壤退化和自然景观和植被的衰退。 LAND DEGRADATION - means “the decline in quality of natural land resources, commonly caused through improper use of the land by humans. It encompasses soil degradation and the deterioration of natural landscapes and vegetation”. 管制,是指通过法律、政策措施和对策手段,控制和管理土地退化 REGULATION - includes the legal and policy instruments and strategies aimed at the control or management of land degradation. 土地退化管理中法律的作用 Role of law in land degradation management 法律通过设立目标、原则、规则和标准,规范个人、单位、政府和政府部门的责权利 Law establishes objective principles, rules and criteria to regulate rights, responsibilities and conduct of individuals, communities, governments, and administrative agencies. 通过法律实现国际、区域和国家水平的各级政策目标 Law used to implement policy objectives approved at international, regional and national levels. 法律是土地规划、管理和实施的工具 Law provides land planning, land management and compliance tools. 国际自然保护同盟环境法委员会 关于防止土地退化法律研究的结论 Outcomes from global IUCN ELP study of land degradation law 用来控制土地退化的法律和机制,类型很多 Many types of laws and legal mechanisms used around the world for land degradation control. 创新不多,现代法不多 Few innovative, modern laws. 立法过分拘泥于私益机制,公共利益重视不足 Legislation is overshadowed by private interest mechanisms with little attention to public interests. . 土地和土壤不作为一个生态因子对待 Land and soil not seen as an ecological element. 通常缺乏逻辑设计 Generally lacks logical layout, 定义差,技术支持不够 Poor definitions, inadequate terminology. 法律和机构之间的连接通常比较差 Generally a poor relationship between laws and institutions. 一些国家形成一个立法体系,处理不同土壤和土地管理问题 Some States have a framework of legislation to manage distinct soil and land management problems 中国现状 PRC Situation 形成了良好的法律体系,在防治土地退化、水土保持、草原、森林、农业、土地管理和水等方面进行立法 Good framework of legislation for land degradation control, Water and Soil Conservation; Grassland; Forestry; Agriculture; Land Administration; Water etc. 《防沙治沙法》是世界上第一个防治荒漠化的国内立法 A global first with the “Desertification Law”. 形成了良好的立法模式,基本法律—条例—实施细则—地方立法 A good hierarchy of legislative instruments - Primary Law; Regulations; Implementing Measures; local rules. 仍然存在完善的方面,在加强立法和法律能力、减少立法重叠、加强法律衔接 But many opportunities for improvement; to increase capacity of laws; strengthen laws; reduce overlaps; improve links. 中国在进行综合生态管理方面的行动 PRC Actions to IEM 中央级Central Level 1999年全国生态建设规划 State Ecological Construction Planning 1999 2000年全国生态保护纲要 State Ecological Conservation Outlines 2000 2001年防沙治沙法 Desertification Prevention and Restoration Control Law (in response to CCD) 2001 2002年水法、草原法、农业法、环境影响评价法 Water Law, Grassland Law, Agricultural Law, Environmental Assessment Law 2002 2002年退耕还林条例 Regulation for Arable Land Conversion to Forestry 2002 亚洲开发银行/中国新近的土地退化调查 Recent ADB/PRC investigation on land degradation-TA 3548 结论 Outcomes – 40%的国土受土地退化的影响 40% of China affected by land degradation processes. 西北干旱地区的3省和3个自治区是土地退化最严重的区域 The area of the 3 Provinces and 3 AR’s has the most serious land degradation problems of China’s total dryland area. 土地退化的成因很多,自然因素(降雨、地形、气候)、不合理的人为活动(低水平的畜牧业,过牧) Many causes of land degradation - natural hazards (rainfall, terrain, climate); unsuitable and inappropriate human uses (poor crop husbandry, overgrazing). 生态、经济和社会成因 Many ecological, economic, and social consequences. 贫困与土地退化的恶性循环 Well defined links between poverty and land degradation. 立法涉及的方面广,但是各单行法在调整的实体能力上差异大,在法律作用、法律功能和法律规范的活动方面存在重叠 There is a wide range of legislative tools available, but there is substantial variation in the capabilities of individual laws; and many overlapping roles, functions and activities. 在法律、政策和职能作用中存在利益冲突 Many conflicting interests between the various laws, policies and institutional roles. 全球环境基金—中国伙伴关系干旱生态系统土地退化项目 GEF/PRC partnership on land degradation in dryland ecosystems - Output 1 项目进展 Actions to date 4月-7月访问西北3省3区 Meetings with the 3 Provinces and 3 Autonomous Regions in April-July 2003. 项目省级活动及费用的分解 Provincial submissions on projects, costs. 完成项目总体活动设计 Finalisation of Output 1 Activities . 项目总体活动与省级分解活动的比照 Comparison of Activities with Provincial Submissions. 完成费用设计 Finalising the costings. 全球环境基金—中国伙伴关系干旱生态系统土地退化项目 GEF/PRC partnership on land degradation in dryland ecosystems - Output 1 总体活动 Activities 为有效的干旱土地生态系统管理发展综合的法律政策程序性工具包(中央和省级) Develop comprehensive national and provincial ‘toolbox’ of legal and policy procedures and elements for effective management of dryland ecosystems. 发展基本程序评估实施综合生态系统管理的法律政策体系的能力,发展实施综合生态系统管理的法律程序和机制,评价政策的重叠而遗漏 Develop a standard procedure to assess the capability to apply IEM to the existing legal and policy framework of each province. Prepare a mechanism for provinces to implement IEM in the legal, policy and institutional framework for land degradation management. Assess policy relevant to IEM and identify overlaps and omissions. 通过机制完善立法,提高现有环境与资源法律政策体系实施综合生态系统管理的能力 Prepare mechanism to harmonize legislation relevant to IEM, identify overlaps, gaps and omissions; assess and improve implementing regulations under the laws relevant to land degradation management (including Laws for Desertification, Grassland, Water and Soil Conservation, Water, Forestry, Agriculture, Land Administration, Environmental Protection, Environmental Impact Assessment, Pollution Control). 协调省级和国家的法律政策的连接(比如第11个五年计划,土地退化防治规划,防治荒漠化国家行动计划等) Harmonise the laws and policies with the national and provincial strategic plans (eg, 11yr Plan, PRC CCD Action Plan, provincial land degradation action plans), and improve linkages between the policy and legislation. 发展综合生态系统管理的监督机制,掌握法律政策实施的有效性 Develop monitoring mechanism to determine effectiveness of implementation of laws and policies for dryland ecosystem management. 评价并完善法律政策的标准和程序,在消除贫困、鼓励私体参与防治土地退化、运用市场手段、农村土地承包、妇女问题和市场准入等方面进行制度完善 Assess and improve the legal and policy standards and procedures relevant to poverty relief, incentive-based mechanisms and for private sector involvement, giving consideration to land tenure, land use rights, gender rights, market access. 评价并完善环境影响评价程序,完善法律责任、加强法律实施 Assess and improve procedures for environmental impact assessment, legislative enforcement, regulatory devices, and sanctions relating to land degradation management. 评价并完善公众参与、纠纷处理、冲突解决等方面的程序,完善法律政策体系 Assess and improve procedures for public participation, conflict resolution, dispute settlement and mediation in policy and legislative framework. 发展并开展综合性项目,提高法律和政策的能力建设,增强防止土地退化的法律功能。 Develop and implement comprehensive program for capacity building in legislative, policy and institutional measures for land degradation management. 在省级和国家级层次开展一系列培训项目,加强环境法律政策的知识和能力,提高防止土地退化的管理水平 Implement a series of Central/Province, and individual Provincial training workshops in environmental law and policy to enhance and improve skills and knowledge in all aspects of environmental law for land degradation management. 开展国际性、区域性的交流和访问,通过出国考察和学习提高环境法律政策的意识和环境能力 International, regional visits/exchanges and studies to improve overall awareness and capacity in environmental law and policy. 国家防治土地退化立法的主要内容 Essential elements for national land degradation legislation 设立生态可持续的土地管理的目的和目标 Establish goals and objectives for an ecologically sustainable approach to land management. 要求政府、土地所有者和经营者、社区合作防治土地退化 Require governments, landowners and managers and the community to cooperate on land degradation control. 要求制定政策、导则和生态标准 Require the development of policy, guidelines and ecological standards. 通过管制或非管制的方式宣传土地保护 Promote land conservation through a mix of regulatory and non-regulatory means. 保证各种类型的土地保护和管理的运行 Enable conservation and management of all classes of land. 通过综合管理的方式实现自然资源管理一体化 Promote an integrated approach to the management of natural resources as a whole. 全球环境基金—中国伙伴关系干旱生态系统土地退化项目 GEF/PRC partnership on land degradation in dryland ecosystems - Output 1 国家层次的主要任务 Main tasks at national level 各省代表组成的领导、协调小组 Establish group of national and Provincial/AR epresentativ 制定生态系统综合管理的法律标准 Development of national legal standards for IEM. 设计法律机制和导则,包括编制“防止土地退化立法的工具包”,指导立法完善 Preparation of ‘model’ legal mechanisms and supporting guidelines for legislative reform, including specialised “toolbox of legal elements for land degradation law”. 设计能力建设项目 Design of capacity building program. 设计培训项目, Design of training workshops, including “training of trainers”. 组织国外考察和在环境法国际机构的培训 Coordinate international tour, intensive training at recognised environmental law institution. 省区层次的主要任务 Main tasks at Provincial/AR level. 制定生态系统综合管理的省级法律标准 Development of specific provincial legal standards for IEM. 在省区应用“防止土地退化立法的工具包”进行地方法律完善 Implementation of “land degradation law toolbox” at provincial/AR evel. 制定省级实施细则和条例 Development of Provincial Implementing Measures, Regulations. 政策完善 Policy development. 立法实施的监督 Monitoring implementation of legislation. 省级能力建设 Implementation of provincial/AR capacity building. 省级培训项目 Implementation provincial/AR training workshops. 参与国外考察和环境法培训 Participation in international tours and intensive training at recognised environmental law institutions. 全球环境基金—中国伙伴关系干旱生态系统土地退化项目 GEF/PRC partnership on land degradation in dryland ecosystems - Output 1 结论:项目预期成果 Conclusions - what can be achieved 生态法律标准和实施程序的综合工具包 A comprehensive ‘toolbox’ of legislative and ecological standards for the legal and policy framework to manage land degradation. 法律、实施条例和政策法律功能的提高 Improved capacity in policies, laws and implementing regulations to manage land degradation. 为完善法律、实施条例和政策体系发展导则和手册 Increase in supporting guidelines and handbooks for the legal and policy framework. 在土地退化防治的法律问题上,增强国家立法和省级立法之间的衔接 Improvements in communication between legislative bodies at central and provincial levels on land degradation issues. 培训一批土地退化防治方面的人才 More people trained in legal aspects of land degradation. 持续出版防止土地退化法律和政策手册 Substantial increase in published environmental law and policy educational materials on land degradation. 扩大国际合作和联系 Increased international collaboration and links. ADB 期 望 西北部项目省区(6个省)的环境资源法的专家和科研机构的加入 在自然资源法和生态保护法方面有研究经验的专家加入 具有能力培训经验的专家和机构加入 对干旱生态系统管理有兴趣的广大学者的参与本项目,关注本项目的发展 联系人 亚洲开发银行 中国代表处 GEF部 BRUCE CARRAD (项目官员)

bcarrad@adb.org 杜 群 (环境与资源法顾问)

qundu@adb.org GEF-PRC “土地退化防治能力建设 ” 项目办公室 张卫东 (经理) 王 虹(副经理)